Your order will be packed by our warehouse staffs after your payment is done through our website. We deliver your packages properly and we took an image of them before giving it to the courier company. If customer receives the parcel and it has been damaged, the courier service company is responsible. No electrical part will ever be returned by us under any condition. Because they need to be coded by your mechanic or installer. (We don’t accept any responsibility).
All returns require prior approval;
Please contact us either by phone or online to receive your approval prior to shipping the item(s).
Return and Replacement:
. If the part customer received has manufacturing fault, HibaAutoparts will replace it without any additional cost.
. If the customer does not want it to be replaced, the charges Paid will be credited to the customer’s account which they can use for another transaction on the site.
. If the customer opts for refund and does not want replacement and credit, then HibaAutoparts trading will deduct the shipping chargers, plus a 21 % of cancellation and handling charges.
Requirements for returns:
. Are in their original packaging
. Have not been used, installed, or disassembled
. Are not damaged due to improper installation
. Do not have missing parts, hardware or instructions.
Once we have received your returned auto part(S), conducted an inspection of the return, and verified that your return meets the above guidelines, a return specialist will contact you to facilitate.
The return will be made to the original mode of payment only.
Additional costs
HibaAutoparts will not refund any labor costs incurred by you or the installer of the products purchased at this website. Furthermore, we are not responsible for towing expenses, rental car expenses, or other additional costs for any reason.
Damaged products
Damage parts should be informed within 15 days after receiving the parts. Please include your order number on all correspondence.
Cancellation of sale
Please note, all orders are electrically processed and forwarded to the auto parts warehouse immediately upon confirmation of the order.
No orders can be cancelled after the payment has been confirmed.
Note: you may be required to provide the order number.
Order Cancellation:
You can cancel your order if it not shipped, however, HibaAutoparts trading reserves the right to deduct 16 % cancellation fee.
How to submit request
By Phone:
You can call us Saturday to Thursday 8:00 am till 1:30 pm or 4 pm till 9 pm (UAE time) and we will help you with your return request.
By WhatsApp:
+97150 3459297
By Website:
Click here to submit the contact form, please mention your issue and return request along with your order number. One of our customer representatives will get back to you with solution.
By E-mail:
Send us an email to [email protected]. Please mention your order number (you would have received one while you placed your order). Finally, issue in the part or reason of return.
Once you have submitted your request a return specialist will call or email you within 48 hours (please allow us additional time for weekends and holidays) followed by an approval and instructions on how to return your item(s).
HibaAutoparts is not responsible for items returned without proper return information (customer’s name, address and order number) on or in the box.
*Defective means the part has manufacturing fault.